Dr. Tasshin’s Unoriginal All-One Magic Sticker

it would be fun to have a tasshin-edition dr. bronner’s bottle. that energy goes so hard. it would be red and filled with messages about love, curiosity, and empowerment


  1. THE UNIVERSE IS LOVE! The universe was born of love! Born to love! Born for love! When you love you are God-Jesus-Buddha-Peace Pilgrim-Bronner-Saint! Love-One, Love-All!
  2. LOVE IS THE ANSWER! Be kind to yourself, be kind to others, kind today and kind tomorrow! Be brave now, choose love! Love, love, love!
  3. CULTIVATE THE BRAHMAVIHĀRĀS! Mettā, Karuṇā, Muditā, Upekkhā! Loving-Kindness, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy, Equanimity! Find these four frequencies in your heart, let them grow in your heart, and change the world!
  4. KEEP LOVE IN YOUR HEART! Love is felt in the heart! Feel your heart, its sadness, its fear, its anger, its joy. Feeling your heart makes love possible. Love yourself, love the world!
  5. HEAL YOUR HEART! Find your feelings with Gendlin Focusing! Listen to your parts with IFS! Release your burdens with Bio-Emotive! Try Core Transformation! Explore Coherence Therapy! Heal what needs to be healed! Love yourself first and foremost!
  6. LOVE IS A SPECTRUM! All feelings of love and happiness are good! The Brahmavihārās! Gratitude! Forgiveness! Amusement! Feel one, feel all!
  7. REALLY ENJOY IT! Notice pleasurable, wholesome experiences of any kind! Enjoy them! Savor them! Delight in them! Soak them up! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
  8. SEE LOVE! HEAR LOVE! FEEL LOVE! See good images in your imagination! Hear good thoughts in your mind! Feel good feelings in your body! Rinse, repeat!
  9. FEEL GOOD IN YOUR BODY! Get comfortable! Relax! Smile! Feeling good in your body will make it easier to love with your heart!
  10. SMILING IS A PATH TO JOY! As sage-mystic-hero Peace Pilgrim said, “Life is like a mirror! Smile at it and it smiles back at you!” Smiling takes our bodies towards happiness and the world towards joy!
  11. LOVE YOURSELF, LOVE OTHERS! Balance love for yourself with love for others! You are worthy of love! Others are worthy of love! Love one, love all!
  12. HAVE AN EASY TO LOVE PERSON! A friend, a family member, a baby, a dog, a kitten, a panda bear! Love them with all your heart!
  13. SEND LOVE HERE, SEND IT THERE! Friends, family members, acquaintances, enemies, animals, insects, aliens! All need love! Love needs all!
  14. YOU ARE WORTHY OF YOUR OWN LOVE! Hold love for yourself as sacred, even if it’s hard, even if you can’t feel it yet! The universe loves you and so can you!
  15. SHOW YOURSELF YOUR LOVE! Your actions speak louder than words! Love yourself with your deeds, and the words and feelings will flow!
  16. FEEL ALL FEELINGS TO FEEL LOVE TOO! If you make any feeling forbidden, love will also be banished from your heart! Welcome all feelings and love will be welcome too!
  17. LIFE IS LOVE! Life is a miracle! Beings are worthy of love simply because they are alive! Notice love wherever there is life, love will be everywhere for you!
  18. LOVE IS A SKILL! Work your love muscles! Practice, practice, practice! Reps, reps, reps! Love, love, love!
  19. LOVE ALL BEINGS! See all humans as your friends! Dogs, cats, animals, plants and the earth are all our friends too! Brothers and sisters and family all! All beings are worthy of love and respect! Love one, love all!
  20. KINDNESS IS ENOUGH! Just being kind to yourself and others is already enough! That’s all you need to do! If you are kind you are winning at your life! All else is a bonus!
  21. ONE LOVING THOUGHT! One loving thought a day! Everyone has time for it!

  1. YOU ARE A GENIUS! Flourishing is our very nature! That potential lies within all!
  2. CURIOSITY IS SACRED! Your curiosity is a gift that is precious! In time it will reveal itself to be of benefit to the whole world!
  3. PEOPLE ARE SACRED, CONVERSATIONS ARE WORSHIP! Conversations are a temple! Go there to worship curiosity!
  4. TRUST YOUR BURNING CURIOSITIES! Trust your curiosity! Trust your interest! Trust your obsession! Go down the rabbit hole!
  5. CULTIVATE COLD CURIOSITY! Anything can be interesting! Cultivate your capacity to be interested in anything whatsoever! Practice thinking of questions! List your questions! Order your questions!
  6. A GOOD QUESTION CAN CHANGE THE WORLD! A question can change the person asking, the person asked, all who overhear, and eventually the whole world!
  7. EVERY QUESTION IS A DOORWAY! Go in! Find a new world, a new way of seeing!
  8. THERE ARE ALWAYS MORE QUESTIONS! More doors! More worlds! More perspectives!
  9. TRUST YOUR QUESTIONS! Your questions are a portal to unimagined discoveries! You will be transformed by your curiosities, and so will the whole world!
  10. WEIRD QUESTIONS GO WEIRD PLACES! The questions that you do not understand, that surprise you and those asked, are the most important questions! Trust them, ask them, watch the world change as a result!
  11. SHARE WHAT YOU LEARN! Leave breadcrumbs for those learners to come, as a kindness to them and the world! You will learn even more in sharing what you’ve already encountered!
  12. QUESTIONS ARE ENDLESS! Infinite! Numberless! Vow to ask them all!
  13. RECORD YOUR CONVERSATIONS! It’s cheap and easy to record and share your conversations! If you enjoyed it, so will the world!
  14. WATCH CURIOSITY TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE! It’s hard to anticipate in advance, but sharing your curiosity will change your life and the very world!


  1. EVERYONE HAS A VOW! A life purpose! A calling! A vocation! A quest! A mission! A gift to give!
  2. YOUR VOW IS MADE OF YOU! Your dreams, your desires, your visions, your goals, your childhood, your successes, your mistakes—all form the basis of your vow!
  3. THE WORLD IS ASKING FOR YOUR VOW! The world is asking politely, kindly, quietly—it needs you to live your vow! 
  4. LIVE YOUR VOW! You came here to do something, discover what it is! Look at your dreams and your hopes and your goals, and follow them out! Look at the world, see what it needs, of all and of you!
  5. YOUR VOW IS JOY! The closer you come to to living your vow, the more joy you’ll find! The more true benefit you’ll give!
  6. SERVICE IS FUN, FUN IS SERVICE! Do what’s fun for you! Don’t do what’s not! Notice how your fun is the world’s service! Delight in the benefits your truest life has for all! Serve, serve, serve!
  7. STEER TOWARDS FUN! Notice what is fun for you! Fun is the best signal of your vow!
  8. DO A PROJECT! A service project is the best way to steer towards your living vow! Notice what’s being asked of you! Notice what you feel called to! Do that!
  9. DO WHAT YOU SAID YOU WOULD DO! Integrity is the foundation of all good things! Honor your word, keep your promises, rejoice in your own integrity and the world it makes possible!
  10. CHALLENGE YOURSELF! Know your growth edges! Push your comfort zone! Choose the difficult project! Grow, grow, grow!
  11. NO MISTAKES, ONLY LESSONS! There are no mistakes so long as you learned something! Every project is a success if you learned something and had fun doing it! 
  12. GENEROSITY BENEFITS ALL! Generosity is good for the giver and the receiver! Generosity cultivates relationships! A gift is love, a gift is service!
  13. EVERYONE IS TALENTED! Talent is ubiquitous! Everyone is talented! All have gifts to give!
  14. LIFT EACH OTHER UP! See someone, encourage them, rejoice in their flourishing!
  15. MAXIMUM DEEP BENEFIT! Benefit as many beings as possible, as deeply as possible! Live the bodhisattva vows! Be a hero!