The Curiosity Department of The Service Guild will be hosting another social experiment in August: Rabbit Hole Day!
Saturday, August 31st at 9 AM Pacific, 12 PM Eastern, 6 PM CEST (Central Europe) we’ll gather on Zoom for a 4-hour deep dive into your chosen rabbit hole!
What’s a Rabbit Hole Day?
Rabbit Hole Day is an opportunity to indulge your curiosity and explore a topic of your choice in depth. For four hours (with breaks), you’ll have the chance to dive deep into a subject that fascinates you, alongside a group of fellow curious minds.
How It Works
1. Join on Zoom: We’ll meet virtually to kickoff the event and quickly check in.
2. Dive Deep: Spend the next few hours exploring your chosen topic through reading, research, or any method you prefer.
3. Optional Share-out: At the end, we’ll reconvene to share what we’ve learned in lightning talk format.
What You’ll Need
- A curious mind
- A topic you’re excited to explore
- Access to resources (books, internet, etc.) related to your chosen rabbit hole
- A comfortable space to focus and learn
Please let us know if you like this experiment or found it useful, or have suggestions about how to improve it!
This idea was directly inspired by the folks over at Rabbitholeathon.