My tattoos represent the three areas of my life’s work, my vow.
Love ❤️

The four hearts represent the Brahmavihārās. The design was created by Sílvia Bastos. Tattooed on the back of my left upper arm at Spider Tattoos in Porto, Portugal on 9/8/21.
love yourself, love others, love all
life is short, say “i love you” with every chance you get, in every way you can
Curiosity ❓

Design by me. Tattooed on the right side of my upper right arm by Frankie Mejia at Regeneration Tattoo in Allston, Massachusetts on 6/6/23.
questions are sacred
trust your curiosity, trust your interest, trust your fascination, trust your questions
every question a doorway
a good question can change hearts, lives, worlds
i cannot overstate how extremely important it is to trust your weird, out-of-nowhere, never-been-asked before questions, to be loyal to them, to ask them without hesitation or apology—to wander with delight down the path they invite you down, to love the world they open up
Empowerment 🪄

Design by me. Tattooed on the lower side of my right forearm by Bill Sullivan at Granite City Tattoos in Quincy, Massachusetts on 9/27/23.
the spell that the empowerment wand casts is “i believe in you”
“i believe in you” is a spell we all have the power to cast with our words and our deeds
These tattoo designs are licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. The Brahmavihārās design should be attributed to Sílvia Bastos. You can support her work on Patreon.