Reflections on Buddhist Right Speech

Right Speech is the third component of Buddhism’s Noble Eightfold Path. Reflecting on Right Speech is a necessary component of the Buddhist spiritual path, but also provides useful guidelines for anyone who is aware of…

Maximum Deep Benefit

I intentionally structure my projects to create what I call “maximum deep benefit”: helping as many people as possible, as deeply as possible.

Notes on Learning Tai Chi

As with most things in my life, I’m not an expert in Tai Chi. But the little that I know, and that I practice each day, has brought me great joy and many benefits.

A Bedtime Story for Bloob

Tell me a bedtime story — itty bitty bloob (@bloobsandnoods) March 18, 2022 There was once a princess from a little village in the forest. One day, her grandmother took her aside after dinner and…


you can reliably make yourself happier + be a better person by practicing lovingkindness and the other brahmavihārās and letting that shape how you show up in the world a word of encouragement at the…