Hi! I’m Tasshin! ๐Ÿ™

Hi! I’m Tasshin! I’m an extremely online pilgrim wandering this precious world for the benefit of all beings. ๐Ÿ’—

I live a simple life, dedicated to being of service, supported by the generosity of others.

I have three main endeavors: spreading love, following my curiosity, and empowering others. I work on these themes through an organization I created, called The Service Guild.

Memex ๐Ÿ”

This image shows some of my most important ideas and how they relate to the three areas of my life’s work. See more and download a PDF here.

Values ๐Ÿ’ซ

  • I want to be present and loving in each moment (mindfulness, presence, love).
  • I want to live a simple life, dedicated to being of service, based on generosity (simplicity, service, generosity).
  • I want to follow my curiosity, to trust my questions, my instincts, my interests (curiosity).
  • I want to empower othersโ€”to see the best in all beings and to help them to live their vows (empowerment).
  • I want to enjoy my life, to give and receive pleasure and love, to share deeply in meaningful and joyful experiences (fun, pleasure, sexuality, romance, friendship).

Licensing ๐Ÿ’ผ

I like to use Creative Commons as much as possible for my projects. I want to benefit as many people as possible, and Creative Commons is a wonderful vehicle for enabling that. U can learn more about the licensing for my writings and projects here.

Generosity ๐Ÿ™‡โ€โ™‚๏ธ

Generosity makes my life and work possible.ย U can support my work in an ongoing basis through Patreon, or make a donation usingย PayPalย or Venmo (@tasshin). Thank U! May this work benefit all beings. ๐Ÿ™

“All who act upon their highest motivations become a power for good.”

Peace Pilgrim

My Name

My name, Tasshin (้”็œŸ) means to reach or achieve truth. U can pronounce it โ€œtoss shinโ€ (thatโ€™s the Americanized pronunciation) or โ€œtoss sheenโ€ (the Japanese pronunciation). I received this name in 2018, when I took bodhisattva vows with my teachers Shinzen Young and Soryu Forall. The first character on its own is “Tatsu” and U are welcome to call me that!

I use the moniker “Fun Pilgrim” in association with my pilgrimage, in honor of my hero, Peace Pilgrim.


xkcd/15 (CC BY-NC 2.5)

Feel free to reach out to say hi on Twitter (@tasshinfogleman) or by email ([email protected]).

I write a newsletter for friends and family, and send it occasionally, precisely when I feel like it. If U’d like to stay in touch, hear about what I’m up to, and what the latest projects I’m working on are, U can sign up for my newsletter here:

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