A 4D Geometry of Contemporary Politics

Collapsing nuanced differences of thinking into a single axis, such as Left vs. Right, is a common mistake that has caused misunderstanding and confusion. Complexifying the way we describe and think about ideologies is a necessary step in order to properly understand the state of contemporary politics.

Harari on Humanism

Harari’s work has influenced Forall and the teachings at MAPLE in a number of ways. One of the major ways is Harari’s emphasis on stories or narratives as the coordination mechanism that has given Homo Sapiens its power. Another major influence from Harari has been his description of Humanism.

Education in a Time Between Worlds

Zachary Stein’s Education in a Time Between Worlds is an impressive feat of scholarship, activism, and education. The book’s guiding question is, “What should education look like in the twenty-first century?”

What OAK Needs, 2020

OAK is a moral and spiritual compass for Silicon Valley. At this time, funding our budget is our biggest constraint. You can help OAK by donating directly to our operations budget for 2021.

A Book on Dying Well

I can’t remember the last book I loved as much as Stephen Jenkinson’s Die Wise, and was so deeply impacted by. I would recommend it to anyone who has a loved one who has died, will die, or who will themselves die some day – which is to say, everyone.

On Integrity

I take integrity very seriously. This is partly as a practical matter for collaboration, and partly as a spiritual practice.

A New Breed of Scholar Monk

Religious traditions that last for centuries and millennia tend to have dedicated scholars, who study, write, and preserve texts that support their larger purpose and work.